All of the below Activities are led by our qualified instructors. Each session lasts for 1 hour and 30 mins within our session time slots. These run from:
9:00 - 10:30
11:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 15:00
15:30 - 17:00*
Each session has the strict maximum capacity of 12 participants, with the exception of Zipwire and All Aboard, which can accommodate up to 24 participants. If you have groups larger than this you will need to book more than one session to accommodate all participants.
Between the 1st May - 1st September we are able to offer an evening session time slot from 18:00 - 19:30. Dates outside of this time shall have to be discussed and agreed upon with our Activities Team*
*Please note that our instructors require at least 30 minutes before sunset to take down an activity safely. Therefore, we are unable to offer the 15:30 - 17:00 between 29th October - 31st March (when the clocks change)
A group leader must be present at all times throughout the activity sessions, otherwise the session will not be allowed to go ahead or shall be stopped.
If you have any participants that have additional physical needs, please inform the team at least 3 weeks prior your arrival so the sessions can be staffed appropriately. Some of our activities can be adapted but we need to know in advance. Therefore, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office, where a member of the activities team will gladly talk through options with you.
We have a huge range of Activities led by our qualified Instructors to suit all requirements. From Beavers experiencing their first taste of outdoor adventure to Schools looking to add that special touch to their environmental education. This includes a range of high-adrenaline activities, including the Zip Wire and 4 Person All-Aboard.

Risk Assessments
To view or download our Instructed Activities Risk Assessments, please click here.
To download our Permission to Shoot form please click here.
Permission to Shoot
Scout leaders hiring facilities
Scout activity leaders hiring facilities without an activity leader must adhere to Ferny Crofts Standard Operating Procedures.
For all activities that require a permit or qualification, Ferny Crofts need to see a screen shot of compass, or a copy of the qualification, before any self-led session is confirmed. The leader running the session will need to come to reception in person when collecting equipment/activity keys, as we require to see ID before issuing access to the activity.

Abseiling is an exhilarating activity. Starting at the highest point of the high ropes course, you will lower yourself down the rope whilst controlling your own speed.
This activity needs you to find the courage to trust yourself and lean back off the platform and control your safe descent to the ground.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building, Coordination, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
- Not available

Brilliant balance, nerve and coordination is essential to see who can get the highest in this activity. As a pair you will try and build the tallest stack of crates you can.
Whilst you are stood on them, your friends will be helping by passing you the crates and keeping you safe by belaying the ropes.
This is the perfect activity to improve communication and teamwork while still having fun.
Suitable For:
Age 4+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Team Work
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Crate Stacking

Gladiator Challenge is Jacobs Ladder but with a twist. Overcome obstacles such as rope, netting and ladders to reach the top and beat your teammate!
Difficulty can be increased by the addition of races, competitions and blindfolds.
The rest of your group needs to work together to belay the ropes to keep you safe and to cheer you on to get to the top.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Adventurous, Confidence Building, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Gladiator Challenge

A great activity to highlight the importance of cooperation and trust between team members. This high ropes activity is a 20ft single pole with a small platform at the top.
The challenge is as follows: two team members individually climb the pole and stand on the small platform. Once all two climbers are up high your instructor will set a variety of challenges to perform.
The rest of the group will be belaying the ropes to keep the climbers safe.
High All-Aboard
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session (sessions of 24 participants available)
Learning Outcomes:
Team Work, Confidence Building, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available

The only way to succeed in this challenge is to work together as a group to navigate your way up a giant high ropes ladder of horizontally suspended logs.
This activity will test participant's teamwork skills and agility as the challenge comes with the ever-increasing gaps between the rungs.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Team Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Jacobs Ladder

The Leap of Faith is an adrenaline pumping high ropes activity. The goal is to climb up a 20ft single pole and stand on a small platform at the top, make a leap of faith and grab hold of a hanging trapeze. The instructor belays the ropes on this activity and can adjust the trapeze to add difficulty.
This activity helps you to find the courage to trust and believe in yourself when things are hard, giving you a sense of achievement and developing your confidence.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Leap of Faith

This high ropes activity will test your balance, coordination and courage. One at a time you will attempt to get as high as you can through the three levels of the activity.
Each level requires steadiness and determination to climb as high as possible in a zig-zag journey up the course.
Three Stack
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available

Try to work your way up to the top of the climbing pole that is suspended in the air. This will not be as easy as it sounds, as the pole is going to wobble around as you ascend!
This activity will test your agility and confidence in your abilities.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Wobbly Pole

Are you brave enough to jump off of a 9 metre high platform and experience the stomach flipping sensation of free falling?
You will certainly need plenty of encourage from your team mates below!
There are strict weight limitations in place for this activity, so please take note of these before booking the activity. Any participants deemed to be outside of these limitations will not be allowed to take part in the activity.
Suitable For:
Age 11+
Minimum Weight: 20kg
Maximum Weight: 130Kg
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Quick Jump


Abseiling is an exhilarating activity. Starting at the top of one of our towers you walk or jump down the wall whilst controlling your own rope, safety and speed.
We have two abseil locations, the 30ft Small Tower or the 60ft Mega Tower.
This activity needs you to find the courage to trust yourself and lean back off the tower. It is an ideal activity for bringing individuals out of their comfort zone, giving them a sense of achievement and developing their confidence.
Suitable For:
Age 6+ (Small Tower)
Age 11+ (Mega Tower)
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, on Mega Tower only with a minimum of a CWI Abseil or an Artificial Top Rope Scout Permit including Abseil.

Bouldering is low-level climbing, using your team members as 'spotters' to aid safety instead of ropes. Bouldering is performed by staying within 2 metres of the ground and climbing horizontally.
During this session you will work on climbing techniques such as footwork, flagging and resting.
These will all be explored through a variety of games such as Simon Says, Shark Attack, climbing through hoops and drawing pictures on the wall.
Suitable For:
Ages 4 - 12
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
- Yes, for Scout and Guide Groups. No permit required.

Climbing is one of the most popular activities that we offer here at Ferny Crofts. You have the choice of two climbing walls, the 30ft Small Tower and the 60ft Mega Tower.
Your challenge is to climb as high as you can using the climbing holds to hopefully reach the top. Whilst you are climbing, your friends will work as a team to belay the ropes to keep you safe.
This is a brilliant activity to introduce groups to adventurous activities, not only does it help improve your balance and strength, it also builds on interpersonal skills within the group.
Suitable For:
Small Tower - Age 4+
Mega Tower - Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Adventurous, Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, with a minimum of a CWIA or an Artificial Top Rope Scout Permit.

Our 60 ft high, 300 ft long Zip Wire is accessible using stairs inside of our Mega Tower.
This activity will promote courage and determination to be brave enough to step off the tower and wizz down the Zip Wire with your team mates cheering you on from below.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum weight 102KG
Maximum Group Size:
24 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Adventurous, Confidence Building, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Suitable clothing for a waist and chest harness
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available
Zip Wire


At our outdoor Archery range, our qualified Archery GB Instructors will teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow safely. They will provide you with tips and techniques through competitions and games, such as Elimination and Pop.
This activity is well suited to any group, whether you are a beginner or an expert!
Archery is a fun activity, offering adventure, coordination and achievement to all.
Suitable For:
Age 4+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Hand Eye Coordination, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, with Archery Scout Permit or Archery GB

Our newest target sport on site, Crossbows gives you the chance to combine skills from both Archery and Rifle Shooting. With Crossbows you shoot bolts, which are similar to the arrows used in Archery but shorter, and they are released by trigger in a similar way to Rifles.
Why not give this exciting new activity a try?
Suitable For:
Age 11+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants
Learning Outcomes:
Coordination, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, with NSRA YPS Crossbow Shooting qualification

With the help of our NSRA qualified instructors you will learn about our small bore rifles, and how to load and shoot them safely. The instructor will provide you with tips, techniques and progression through competitions and games, such as Battleships.
This activity is well suited to any group, whether you are a beginner or an expert! Rifle shooting is a fun activity, offering adventure, coordination and achievement to all.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants
Learning Outcomes:
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, with NSRA YPS Rifle Shooting qualification
Rifle Shooting

In this activity you throw single headed axes at wooden targets to score points. It is exciting, great fun and different to most common target sports.
This session can be progressed with competitions and games.
Suitable For:
Age 4+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants
Learning Outcomes:
Coordination, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, if you have a qualification showing competency, KATTA or attended a training course run by Ferny Crofts Activity team.
Tomahawk Throwing


Paddle games is an introductory session of kayaking, using sit on top kayaks to explore the basic paddle strokes through basic paddling and games.
Paddle Games
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Clothes and closed-toe shoes you don't mind getting wet
- Towel and dry clothes
Available for Self-led?
-Not available

Raft building requires team work and communication to build a raft out of barrels, ropes and poles. You need to ensure that it will be able to float on our lake and be strong enough to hold your team mates. Once built you and your team will paddle it around and play a number of competitions and games to test your raft durability.
Raft Building
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Team work, Fun
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Clothes and closed-toe shoes you don't mind getting wet
- Towel and dry clothes
Available for Self-led?
-Yes, with Traditional Raft Building Scout Permit.

Backwoods Cooking explores cooking on an open fire with hazel cooking sticks.
Together you will make your own dough twists and cook them until they're ready then make some crispy smoky bacon and finally toast some marshmallows.
Backwoods Cooking
Suitable For:
Age 4+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Educational, Skills
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available but can hire alter fires to do your own Backwoods Cooking.

On this session the group will imagine they have been left stranded and will need to make shelters to keep warm.
Using both man-made and natural materials they will work together to build an array of shelters and discuss the pros and cons of each.
Shelter Building
Suitable For:
Age 4+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Fun, Skills
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available but can bring your own equipment and do your own Shelter Building on your site.

Instructors guide the participants around a short (approx. 3km) walk in The New Forest.
During this guided walk the group will be taught about the history of the forest, as well as facts about local nature and the centre itself.
* This activity is only available for School Groups, for an evening session
Local Hike / Night Hike*
Suitable For:
Age 6+ (Aimed at younger children)
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session
Learning Outcomes:
Kit Requirements:
- Long Trousers
- Waterproof coat and trousers
- Torch (depending on session time)
- Closed-toe, sturdy footwear - eg walking shoes
Available for Self-led?
- You can run your own hikes. We have some route maps in reception.

Low Ropes
Our low ropes course features an array of engaging elements, from balance beams to rope bridges, all designed to challenge and inspire.
This course is tailored to meet diverse needs and skill levels, ensuring everyone can participate and thrive.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session (Instructed)
Learning Outcomes:
Team Work, Fun, Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Sturdy, closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Yes Scout groups only, induction required

Ferny Crofts has a wide range of problem solving activities such as Birthday Bench, Minefield, Spiders’ Web, Blind Trail, Gutter Ball and many more.
All of these activities require team work, communication, listening skills and in some aspects leadership skills.
The instructors will tailor the problem solving activities to help the group become a better team.
Suitable For:
Age 8+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants
Learning Outcomes:
Team Work, Communication, Leadership
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available. You can bring your own equipment and run your own sessions.
Team Building

Our Tunnelling bus provides a safe environment to navigate your way through a maze of 100 metres of tunnels built into a repurposed bus.
Young people wear a helmet and headtorch, and there are plenty of escape hatches if anyone becomes uncomfortable.
Suitable For:
Age 4+
Maximum Group Size:
12 participants per session (Instructed)
Learning Outcomes:
Team Work, Fun, Confidence Building
Kit Requirements:
- No jewellery
- Long hair tied back
- Sturdy, closed-toe footwear
Available for Self-led?
-Not available