Ferny Crofts has been the home of Hampshire Scouting since 1976, and therefore Hampshire Scout Groups enjoy a number of exclusive benefits, including discounts and special events.
how ferny CRofts supports hampshire scouts
As Ferny Crofts is owned and managed by Hampshire Scouting, this entitles Hampshire Scout Groups to a range of exclusive benefits. These include:
Discounted prices across activities and accommodation of up to 65% against our 'base rate' charge. Download a price list via the link above.
Discounted rate of 10% on all of our Package Deals.
Free use of the site on weekday evenings - Bring your group to Ferny Crofts for a wide game, campfire or Bush Craft evening, completely free of charge. Booking still required.
Ferny Crofts offers a range of free activities for when Hampshire Scout groups are staying on site such as; Frisbee Golf, Nature/Picture Trail, Orienteering, Pioneering and local hikes.
Discounted venue hire for HCSC Adult Training.
Ferny Croft holds special events for Hampshire Scouts throughout the year. Don't miss out on our annual Fun Days!
Free advice! If you ever require any advice, whether it's help with how to set up your first Scout Camp, programme ideas or activity permit details, don't hesitate to contact us. Our staff have a wealth of knowledge and will be more than happy to help you in any way that they can.
Ferny Crofts offer a range of Adult Permit Courses throughout the year from Archery, NSRA Shooting, Climbing Wall/Towers, Tomahawk Throwing, Raft Building, Bush Craft and a 16 hour First Aid Course.
Ferny Crofts offer volunteer placements to help young people achieve their King's Scout Awards, Duke of Edinburgh Awards and can provide school work experience on our site.
Ferny Crofts is home to the Hampshire County Scout Council 'County Office,' the administrative home of Hampshire Scouts.
County Office exists to support volunteers within Hampshire Scouts, and can help with any enquiries not related to a visit to Ferny Crofts.
Contact them at info@hampshirescouts.org.uk
Or Call 02380 847847